Pesticides for Grapevines
Insecticides are biological or chemical compounds designed to kill, injure, reduce the fertility of, or modify the behavior of insect pests. Control may result from killing the insect or otherwise preventing it from engaging in behaviors deemed destructive. Appendix K, Insecticides Registered for Use in Vineyards, list common names (active ingredient) along with trade names of currently registered insecticides in the United States for use on grapes. Insecticides can be classified a number of different ways, which involve the following categories: (1) method of application, (2) mode of action, and (3) breadth of activityS
Methods of Application
Insecticides that are sprayed on the insect's body and poison is absorbed through the body wall. Most soft-bodied insects are vulnerable to contact insecticides.
Systemic insecticides are delivered through a drip irrigation system or sprayed directly on the vines which, is then absorbed by the vines.
Mode of Action
Insecticides can be grouped according to their mode of action (MoA) or the way they destroy or control the target pest.
Breadth of Activity
Broad Spectrum
Broad spectrum insecticides kill a wide variety of insects, usually by affecting a system common to all, such as the nervous system.
Target-specific insecticides are much more selective against insects with certain feeding habits, at certain life stages, or within certain taxonomic groups.
Click on the following topics for more information on pesticides for grapevines.